What is the Virginia Alcohol Safety Action Program?
Driving while impaired can carry significant consequences. While most individuals convicted of DUI never want to repeat the experience, the state of Virginia wants to reinforce that feeling. With that in mind, the state created the Virginia Alcohol Safety Action Program, also known as VASAP. This program aims to keep convicted drunk drivers from re-offending using educational resources and monitoring programs.
If you have recently been convicted of DUI in Virginia, the VASAP may be in your near future. Wondering what to expect from the program? The experienced Chesapeake DUI lawyers at Shannon & Associates P.C. could help you prepare for what’s to come.
What Does the VASAP Do?
Authorities in Virginia want to make sure that drunk drivers never take to the roads impaired again. The goal of the state’s Virginia Alcohol Safety Action Program is to help reduce the number of drunk driving-related crashes on Virginia roadways. The VASAP was established to provide individuals convicted of driving under the influence with probationary oversight. The program also aims to alter behaviors and prevent further drunk driving incidents.
VASAP helps monitor individuals and will act as a liaison between the individual and Virginia courts. The VASAP also offers driver improvement courses, aggressive driver courses, youth offender programs, habitual offender evaluations, and intervention interviews.
Who Must Attend VASAP?
Generally, those attending VASAP are individuals who have been convicted of a DUI-related offense. Those who have older DUI convictions on their record may be able to enroll in VASAP to help them regain their driver’s license after revocation.
How Much Does VASAP Cost?
Typically, the VASAP fee is $300. However, this does not include an additional $100 intervention fee. An individual may be assessed other fees depending on whether they need to reschedule sessions. Most local VASAP offices will have a fee schedule available so that individuals will know exactly how much to expect to pay. Payment is typically expected at the time of enrollment.
How Long Does VASAP Take?
VASAP courses are 20 hours long. Generally, classes are blocked into two-hour intervals with certain meetings taking place once per week for about 10 weeks. The VASAP has 24 local programs scattered throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia.
What Happens If I Wait Too Long to Enroll in VASAP?
The state requires those convicted of a DUI offense to apply to the VASAP within 15 days of their conviction. Failure to enroll in the program before the deadline will result in the court being notified. Once the court is notified that the individual has not enrolled in the program, it will be up to the discretion of that particular court as to the consequences.
Contact Shannon & Associates Today
Being arrested for DUI is a nerve-wracking experience. A conviction on your record can have both criminal and civil consequences impacting your personal and professional life. You may have been arrested, but you still have legal rights that need protecting. Do not try and fight the charges alone, contact the experienced defense team at Shannon & Associates, P.C. for help.
We are a team of skilled defense attorneys who have the skills and experience necessary to protect your freedom. If you need legal advice after a DUI arrest, reach out to us immediately for help. Get started by contacting us and requesting a confidential consultation. Your future may be at stake, let us help you get control of the situation and work towards the most positive outcome for your situation.